Tree nurseries and planting

Bee-friendly plants

Dominican Republic

Between 2021 and 2022, Grupo Banamiel identified the flora that provides protection for bees and conducted workshops on the importance of pollinators to raise awareness among staff members. A tree nursery was set up and bee-friendly plants were planted in a demonstration area, and a list of beneficial plants was created to be planted on the margins of the banana plantations.

In the future, the plan is to continue planting bee-friendly species in other areas of the plantations and also to train producer partners and farm managers on the importance of pollinators and reforestation.

Trees for biodiversity protection

Costa Rica

Upala Agrícola improved its forest and fruit tree nursery, which now has more genetic material from the company’s forested areas. The nursery’s mission is to support environmental rehabilitation and restoration processes in the northern part of Costa Rica.

The nursery’s production increased from 30,000 to 50,000 trees, which are donated to municipalities, educational centers, state organizations, private companies, etc. Good quality trees of 12 native threatened species are produced, and the nursery now has areas for visitors and space for talks.